Aesthetics | Adorno | No |
Essays on Music | Adorno | Some |
Aesthetic Theory | Adorno | No |
The Stars Down to Earth | Adorno | No |
In Search of Wagner | Adorno | No |
Mahler | Adorno | No |
Minima Moralia | Adorno | Yes |
The Culture Industry | Adorno | Yes |
Hegel: Three Studies | Adorno | No |
Negative Dialectics | Adorno | No |
Manifest Reality | Allais | Yes |
Kant's Conception of Freedom | Allison | Yes |
Kant's Transcendental Idealism | Allison | Yes |
Kant's Transcendental Deduction | Allison | No |
Essays on Kant | Allison | Some |
The Spectre of Hegel | Althusser | No |
Lectures on Rousseau | Althusser | No |
For Marx | Althusser | No |
On Ideology | Althusser | No |
Kant and the Fate of Autonomy | Ameriks | Yes |
The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci | Perry Anderson | No |
An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus | G.E.M. Anscombe | No |
The Human Condition | Arendt | Yes |
On Violence | Arendt | No |
The Origins of Totalitarianism | Arendt | Yes |
The Life of the Mind | Arendt | Some |
Collected Works of Aristotle | ed. Barnes | Some |
Confessions | Saint Augustine | No |
Being and Event | Badiou | No |
Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil | Badiou | No |
In Praise of Love | Badiou | Yes |
Pocket Pantheon | Badiou | No |
The age of the Poets | Badiou | No |
Cinema | Badiou | No |
Metapolitics | Badiou | No |
Rhapsody for the Theatre | Badiou | No |
The Philosophy of Marx | Etienne Balibar | No |
The Bataille Reader | Battaile | Some |
The Sacred Conspiracy | Bataille | Yes |
The Mandarins | Beauvoir | No |
The Second Sex | Beauvoir | No |
The Ehics of Ambiguity | Beauvoir | No |
Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics | Beaver | Yes |
A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason | Beck | No |
After Hegel | Beiser | No |
German Idealism | Beiser | No |
Hegel | Beiser | No |
The Fate of Reason | Beiser | No |
Kant's Dialectic | Bennet | No |
Kant's Analytic | Bennet | No |
Illuminations | Benjamin | Yes |
Orgin of the German Trauerspiel | Benjamin | No |
Reflections | Benjamin | No |
Sonnets | Benjamin | No |
Early Writings: 1910-1917 | Benjamin | No |
One-Way Street | Benjamin | No |
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technology Reproducibility | Benjamin | No |
The Arcades Project | Benjamin | No |
The Storyteller Essays | Benjamin | No |
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin | Benjamin | Some |
On Karl Marx | Block | No |
Logic and the Limits of Philosophy in Kant and Hegel | Bohnet | No |
The Collected Works of W.E.B. Du Bois | Oxford | No |
Black Reconstruction in America | Du Bois | Some |
Manet | Bourdieu | No |
Appearance and Reality | Bradley | No |
The Principles of Logic | Bradley | No |
A Spirit of Trust | Brandom | Yes |
Reason in Philosophy | Brandom | No |
Kant: An Introduction | Broad | No |
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful | Burke | No |
Reflections on the Revolution in France | Burke | No |
Mythic Worlds, Modern Words | Campbell | No |
The Power of Myth | Campbell | No |
The Hero with a Thousand Faces | Campbell | No |
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho | Anne Carson | No |
Eros the Bittersweet | Carson | Yes |
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms | Cassirer | No |
The Logical Structure of the World | Carnap | Some |
Philosophy of Mind | Chalmers | No |
Karl Marx's Theory of History | Cohen | No |
Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy | Cohen | No |
Marxism and Hegel | Lucio Colletti | No |
Essay on Metaphysics | Collingwood | No |
The Analects | Confucius | Yes |
Caste, Class, and Race | Cox | No |
Freud: The Making of an Illusion | Crews | No |
Are Prisons Obsolete? | Davis | Yes |
Women, Race, Class | Davis | No |
Old Gods, New Enigmas | Mike Davis | No |
Speculation | Daly | No |
The Philosophical Writings of Descartes | Descartes | Some |
Leibniz's New Essays on Human Understanding | Dewey | No |
Art as Experience | Dewey | No |
Individualism Old and New | Dewey | No |
Democracy as Education | Dewey | No |
Psychology | Dewey | No |
Rameau's Nephew and D'Alembert's Dream | Diderot | No |
What Computers Still Can't Do | Dreyfus | No |
Kant after Duchamp | de Duve | No |
Literary Theory | Eagleton | No |
Why Marx Was Right | Eagleton | No |
Reason, Faith, and Revolution | Eagleton | No |
The Murder of Professor Schlick | Edmonds | No |
Time of the Magicians | Eilenberger | No |
Outlines of Skepticism | Sextus Empiricus | No |
The Art of Happiness | Epicurus | No |
The Wretched of the Earth | Fanon | No |
Black Skin, White Masks | Fanon | No |
Hegel's Social Theory | Farneth | No |
Conservatism | Fawcett | Some |
Thinking and the I | Ferrarin | No |
Against Method | Feyerabend | No |
Conquest of Abundancce | Feyerabend | No |
Democracy: Ancient & Modern | Finley | No |
Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftlehre | Fichte | Yes |
Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution | Fichte | Yes |
Introduction to the Wissenschaftlehre | Fichte | No |
K-Punk | Mark Fisher | No |
In the Shadow of Justice | Forrester | No |
The Twenty-Five Years of Philosophy | Forster | No |
Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Image of the Human | Franco | No |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed | Friere | No |
All or Nothing | Franks | No |
Kant and the Exact Sciences | Friedman | No |
Studies on Hysteria | Freud | No |
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis | Freud | No |
Three Essays on Sexuality | Freud | Yes |
Civilization and its Discontents | Freud | Yes |
The Future of an Illusion | Freud | No |
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious | Freud | No |
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego | Freud | No |
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis | Freud | Yes |
Beyond the Pleasure Principle | Freud | Yes |
The Ego and the Id | Freud | Yes |
The Interpretation of Dreams | Freud | Some |
The Uncanny | Freud | No |
The Individual and His Society | Kardiner | No |
Traumatic Neuroses of War | Kardiner | Yes |
Anatomy of Criticism | Frye | No |
Hegel's Dialectic | Gadamer | No |
Robespierre | Gauchet | No |
Freud | Peter Gay | No |
Not Thinking Like a Liberal | Geuss | No |
The Idea of a Critical Theory | Geuss | Yes |
The Normativity of Nature | Ginsburg | No |
Immanuel Kant | Lucien Goldmann | Yes |
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology | Graeber | No |
Prison Diaries Vol 1 | Gramsci | No |
Kant and the Claims of Taste | Guyer | No |
Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness | Guyer | No |
Knowledge and Human Interests | Habermas | No |
The Postnational Constitution | Habermas | No |
This Life | Hagglund | No |
Selected Writings on Marxism | Hall | No |
Between Heidegger and Novalis | Hanley | No |
The Limits of Capital | Harvey | No |
Companion to Marx's Capital | Harvey | No |
The Enigma of Capital | Harvey | No |
Hegel's Ladder | H. S. Harris | No |
Summer Meditations | Havel | Yes |
Elements of the Philosophy of Right | Hegel | Yes |
The Science of Logic | Hegel | Yes |
The Phenomenology of Spirit | Hegel | Yes |
Political Writings | Hegel | Yes |
Hegel On Haman | Hegel | No |
Early Theological Writings | Hegel | No |
Aesthetics | Hegel | No |
Philosphy of Nature | Hegel | No |
The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy | Hegel | No |
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion | Hegel | No |
Philosophy of Mind | Hegel | No |
Lectures on the History of Philosophy | Hegel | No |
Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics | Hegel | No |
Werke 3 | Hegel | No |
Positive Nihilism | Hartmut Lange | No |
The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger | Cambridge | Yes |
Heidegger's Hut | Adam Sharr | No |
The Metaphysics of German Idealism | Heidegger | No |
Being and Time | Heidegger | Yes |
Heraclitus | Heidegger | Yes |
Heraclitus Seminar | Heidegger | Yes |
Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | Heidegger | Yes |
Four Seminar | Heidegger | Yes |
Contributions to Philosophy | Heidegger | No |
Introduction to Metaphysics | Heidegger | Yes |
Ontology: The Hermeneutics of Facticity | Heidegger | No |
Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics | Heidegger | Yes |
The Essence of Truth | Heidegger | No |
Nietzsche Lectures | Heidegger | No |
Poetry, Language, Truth | Heidegger | Yes |
Basic Writings | Heidegger | Yes |
Heidegger's Changing Destinies | Guillaume Payen | Yes |
The Politics of Being | Wolin | Some |
Heidegger's Children | Wolin | No |
Heidegger in Ruins | Wolin | No |
Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant | Lambeth | No |
How to Read Marx's Capital | Michael Heinrich | No |
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital | Michael Heinrich | Yes |
Between Kant and Hegel | Henrich | No |
The practice of Moral Judgement | Herman | No |
Moral Literacy | Herman | No |
Existence: A Story | Hinton | No |
Lost In Thought | Hitz | Yes |
Leviathan | Hobbes | Yes |
Immanuel Kant | Hoffe | No |
Reification | Honneth | No |
Pathologies of Individual Freedom | Honneth | No |
From Hegel to Marx | Hook | No |
Leibniz Critical and Interpretive Essays | ed. Hooker | No |
An Introduction to Hegel | Houlgate | No |
The Opening of Hegel's Logic | Houlgate | No |
Hegel and the Arts | Houlgate | No |
Hegel on Being Vol. 1 | Houlgate | Yes |
Hegel on Being Vol. 2 | Houlgate | No |
Kant's NonIdeal Theory of Politics | Huseyinzadegan | No |
Genesis & Structure of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit | Hyppolite | No |
Rousseau and German Idealism | James | No |
The Years of Theory | Jameson | No |
The Hegel Variations | Jameson | No |
Brecht and Method | Jameson | No |
The Ancients and the Postmoderns | Jameson | No |
Late Marxism | Jameson | No |
The Benjamin Files | Jameson | No |
Valences of the Dialectic | Jameson | No |
Kant | Karl Jaspers | No |
The World According to Kant | Jauernig | Yes |
Dialecticaal Imagination | Martin Jay | No |
Child of the Dark | Carolina Maria de Jesus | No |
A New German Idealism | Johnston | No |
Man and His Symbols | Jung | No |
Modern Man in Search of a Soul | Jung | No |
The Software Revelation | Kahn | No |
Opus Postumum | Kant | Yes |
Lectures on Logic | Kant | No |
Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 | Kant | No |
Critique of Pure Reason | Kant | Yes |
Religion and Rational Theology | Kant | Some |
Anthropology, History, and Education | Kant | Some |
Practical Philosophy | Kant | Some |
Critique of the Power of Judgement | Kant | Yes |
The Metaphysics of Morals | Kant | Yes |
Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason | Kant | Yes |
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals | Kant | Yes |
Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility | Karatani | No |
Transcritique | Karatani | No |
Critique of Religion and Philosophy | Kaufmann | No |
From Shakespeare to Existentialism | Kaufmann | No |
Hegel | Kaufmann | No |
The Actual and the Rational | Kervegan | Yes |
Ross Hall | Andrew Perry | No |
Thinking and Being | Kimhi | No |
Kant and Cosmopolitanism | Kleingeld | Yes |
Creating the Kingdom of Ends | Korsgaard | Yes |
The Sources of Normativity | Korsgaard | Yes |
Self-Constitution | Korsgaard | Yes |
The Constitution of Agency | Korsgaard | Yes |
Fellow Creatures | Korsgaard | Yes |
Philosophy and Revolution: From Kant to Marx | Kouvelakis | No |
Socrates Meets Kant | Kreeft | No |
Tales of Love | Kristeva | No |
Ecrits | Lacan | No |
Book I | Lacan | No |
Book VII | Lacan | No |
Anxiety | Lacan | No |
The Culture of Narcissism | Lasch | No |
Kant's Transcendental Deduction | Laywine | Yes |
Aristotle: The Desire to Understand | Lear | No |
Critique of Everyday Life | Lefebvre | No |
The Accumulation of Capital | Luxemburg | No |
After Virtue | MacIntyre | No |
Marxism and Christianity | MacIntyre | No |
The Prince | Machiavelli | No |
In the Freud Archives | Malcom | Yes |
Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession | Malcom | No |
Fossil Capital | Malm | No |
One-Dimensional Man | Marcuse | No |
Counterrevolution and Revolt | Marcuse | No |
Eros and Civilization | Marcuse | No |
Reason and Revolution | Marcuse | No |
Selected Reading from the Works of Mao Tsetung | Mao | No |
On Practice and Contradiction | Mao | No |
The Little Red Book | Mao | No |
The Communist Manifesto | Marx | No |
Dialectics of Nature | Engels | No |
The German Ideology | Marx | Some |
The Poverty of Philosophy | Marx | No |
The Holy Family | Marx | No |
Result of the Direct Production Process | Marx | No |
The Holy Family | Marx | No |
The Marx-Engels Reader | Marx | No |
The Political Writings | Marx | Yes |
Capital Vol. 1 | Marx | No |
Capital Vol. 1 | Marx | No |
Capital Vol. 2 | Marx | No |
Capital Vol. 3 | Marx | No |
Early Writings | Marx | Yes |
Grundrisse | Marx | Yes |
The Origins of the Family, Private Propery and the State | Engels | Yes |
Having the World in View | McDowell | No |
Mind and World | McDowell | No |
Emancipation After Hegel | McGowan | No |
Hegel's Logic and Metaphysics | McNulty | Yes |
The Works of Mencius | tr. Legge | Some |
Beyond Leviathan | Meszaros | No |
October | Meiville | No |
Psychoanalysis and Feminism | Mitchell | No |
The Democratic Paradox | Mouffe | No |
Hegel and Spinoza | Moder | No |
Politics, Religion, and Art | Moggach | No |
The Complete Essays | Montaigne | Some |
Bipolar Disorder | Mondimore | Yes |
Hegel, Haiti, and Universal History | Buck-Morss | No |
Hegel's Value | Moyar | Yes |
Spinal Catastrophism | Moynihan | No |
The Experience of Freedom | Nancy | No |
Hegel: The Restlessness of the Negative | Nancy | No |
Rosseau's Theodicy of Self-Love | Neuhouser | No |
Rousseau's Critique of Inequality | Neuhouser | No |
Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory | Neuhouser | No |
Hegel's Concept of Life | Ng | Yes |
Thus Spake Zarathustra | Nietzsche | Yes |
Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ | Nietzsche | Yes |
Basic Writings | Nietzsche | Yes |
Taking Back Philosophy | van Norden | No |
The Cosmopolitan Tradition | Nussbaum | No |
Approaching Hegel's Logic, Obliquely | Nuzzo | No |
Rationalism in Politics | Oakeshott | No |
Hegel's Dialectic of Desire and Recognition | O'Neill | No |
Constructing Authorities | O'Neill | Yes |
Constructions of Reason | O'Neill | Yes |
Pensees | Pascal | No |
The Categorical Imperative | Patton | No |
German Philosophy 1760-1860 | Pinkard | No |
Hegel's Phenomenology | Pinkard | Yes |
Hegel's Idealism | Pippin | Yes |
Hegel on Self-Consciousness | Pippin | No |
Hegel's Practical Philosophy | Pippin | Yes |
After the Beautiful | Pippin | Yes |
Philosophy by Other Means | Pippin | Yes |
Idealism as Modernism | Pippin | No |
Hegel's Realm of Shadows | Pippin | Yes |
Nietzsche, Psychology, & First Philosophy | Pippin | Yes |
The Persistence of Subjectivity | Pippin | No |
The Culmination | Pippin | Yes |
Plato: Complete Works | ed. Cooper | Some |
An Essay on Man | Pope | No |
Humanism and Terror | Merleau-Ponty | No |
The Merleau-Ponty Aesthetics Reader | ed. Johnson | No |
The Primacy of Perception | Merleau-Ponty | No |
The Phenomenology of Perception | Merleau-Ponty | No |
The Virtue of Defiance and Psychiatry | Potter | No |
Beyond the Limits of Thought | Priest | Some |
Moody Minds Distempered | Radden | No |
Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy | Rawls | No |
Justice as Fairness | Rawls | Yes |
The Just | Ricouer | No |
The Conflict of Interpretations | Ricouer | No |
Husserl: An Analysis of His Phenomenology | Ricouer | No |
Kant and the Law of War | Ripstein | Yes |
Force and Freedom | Ripstein | Yes |
The Public Uses of Coercion | Herlini-Karnell, Rossi | Some |
Marx's Inferno | Roberts | No |
Virtue and Terror | Robespierre | Yes |
The Reactionary Mind | Robin | No |
Black Marxism | Robinson | Some |
The Maxims | La Rochefoucauld | Some |
Self-Consciousness | Rodl | Yes |
Self-Consciousness and Objectivity | Rodl | No |
The Russian Revolution | Rodney | No |
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa | Rodney | No |
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity | Rorty | No |
Hegel Contra Sociology | Rose | No |
The Shadow of God | Rosen | Yes |
Julie | Rousseau | No |
Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques | Rousseau | Some |
Discourses on the Sciencces and Arts, First Discourses and Polemics | Rousseau | Some |
The Basic Political Writings | Rousseau | Yes |
Reveries of the Solitary Walker | Rousseau | Yes |
On the Origins of Language | Rousseau | Yes |
The Confessions | Rousseau | Yes |
Emile | Rousseau | Yes |
For Badiou | Ruda | No |
The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings | de Sade | No |
Orientalism | Said | Yes |
Culture and Imperialism | Said | No |
A Study of Dialectic in Plato's Parmenides | Sanday | No |
The Concept of the Political | Schmitt | Yes |
Theory of the Partisan | Schmitt | Yes |
The Selected Works | Said | No |
Critique of Dialectical Reason | Sartre | No |
Nausea | Sartre | Yes |
The Sappho Companion | Reynolds | No |
On University Studies | Schelling | No |
On the Aesthetic Education of Man | Schiller | No |
Political Theology | Schmitt | No |
Dictatorship | Schmitt | No |
The Invention of Autonomy | Schneewind | Yes |
Essays and Aphorism | Schopenhauer | No |
Apperception and Self-Consciousness in German Idealism | Schulting | Yes |
The Bounds of Transcendental Logic | Schulting | No |
Kant's Radical Subjectivism | Schulting | No |
Kant's Transcendental Deduction from Apperception | Schulting | No |
Hegel's Critique of Kant | Sedgewick | No |
Selected Letters | Seneca | No |
Dark Ghettos | Shelby | No |
Men & Citizens | Shklar | No |
A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | Smith | No |
The Philosophy of David Hume | Smith | No |
Irrationality | Smith | No |
The Collected Works | Spinoza | No |
In the Spirit of Hegel | Solomon | No |
Intellectual and Manual Labor | Sohn-Rethel | Some |
How Propaganda Works | Stanley | No |
How Fascism Works | Stanley | Yes |
Hegel's Century | Stewart | No |
On Hegel | Strauss | No |
Defense of the Philosophical Life | Strauss | No |
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes | Strauss | No |
What is Political Philosophy? | Strauss | No |
Individuals | P.F. Strawson | No |
The Significance of Philosophical Skepticism | Stroud | No |
Hume | Stroud | No |
Hegel | Taylor | Yes |
A Secular Age | Taylor | No |
Reconsidering Reparations | Taiwo | Some |
Elite Capture | Taiwo | Yes |
A People's Guide to Capitalism | Thier | No |
Mind in Life | Thompson | No |
Life and Action | Thompson | No |
Logic in the Husserlian Context | Tito | No |
Literature and Revolution | Trotsky | No |
Terrorism and Communism | Trotsky | No |
The Desire of Psychoanalysis | Tupinamba | No |
The Art of War | Sun Tzu | No |
Sex, Love and Gender | Varden | Yes |
Freedom and the End of Reason | Velkley | No |
Political Writings | Voltaire | No |
The Cornel West Reader | Cornel West | Some |
History & Truth in Hegel's Phenomenology | Westphal | No |
The Conservative Sensibility | Will | No |
The Sources of Metaphysics | Willaschek | Yes |
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy | Williams | Some |
Hegel and the Future of Systematic Philosophy | Winfield | No |
The Blue and Brown Books | Wittgenstein | No |
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | Wittgenstein | No |
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | Wittgenstein | No |
Notebooks 1914-1918 | Wittgenstein | No |
Remarks on Psychology | Wittgenstein | No |
Carceral Capitalism | Wang | No |
Charisma and Disenchantment | Weber | No |
The Protestant Work Ethics and the "Spirit" of Capitalism | Weber | No |
Rousseau, the age of Enlightenment, and Their Legacies | Wokler | No |
Kant and Religion | Wood | Yes |
Kantian Ethics | Wood | No |
Hegel's Ethical Thought | Wood | Yes |
Malcom X | Alex Haley | Some |
The Portable Malcom X Reader | Penguin | No |
Conversations of Socrates | Xenophon | No |
Spinoza and Other Heretics | Yovel | No |
Hegel's Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit | Yovel | No |
Free | Ypi | No |
Less than Nothing | Zizek | Yes |
Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? | Zizek | No |
Revolution at the Gates | Zizek | No |
The Sublime Object of Ideology | Zizek | Yes |
Looking Awry | Zizek | No |
What is Sex? | Zupancic | No |
The Cynic Philosophers from Diogenes to Julian | Penguin | Some |
Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy | ed. Ivanhoe, Van Norden | Yes |
Nietzsche in Itality | Pourtales | No |
Hegel: The Philosopher of Freedom | Vieweg | No |
Kant | Kuhn | No |
Kant and the Early Moderns | ed. Gardner, Longuenesse | No |
Hegel on Action | ed. Laitenen, Sandis | Some |
Hegel on Philosophy in History | ed. Zuckert, Kreines | Some |
New Anti-Kant | ed. Lapointe, Tolley | No |
Hegel | ed. MacIntyre | Yes |
The Philosophical Rupture Between Fichte and Schelling | ed. Vater, Wood | No |
Between Kant and Hegel | ed. di Giovanni, Harris | No |
The Cambridge Companion to Plato's Republic | Cambridge | No |
Early Modern German Philosophy 1690-1750 | ed. Dyck | No |
The Young Hegelians | ed. Stepelevich | Yes |
The British Moralists | ed. Bigge | No |
Rethinking German Idealism | McGrath, Carew | No |
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and the Sophists | Oxford | Yes |
The Kant Lexicon | Cambridge | N/A |
The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy | Cambridge | Yes |
The Cambridge Companion to Kant | Cambridge | Yes |
Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception | de Gruyter | Some |
Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics | ed. Baiasu, Bird, Moore | No |
Practical Philosophy from Kant to Hegel | ed. Clarke, Gottlieb | Yes |
The Sensible and Intelligible Worlds | ed. Schafer, Stang | No |
Normativity and Agency | ed. Schapiro, Ebels-Duggan, Street | No |
The Transcendental Turn | Gardner | Some |
Immanuel Kant's The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals | Schonecker, Wood | Yes |
The Bible | NSRV, Oxford | No |
The Cambridge Companion to Hegel | Cambridge | No |
A Hegel Dictionary | Inwood | N/A |
Les Philosophes | ed. Torrey | No |