Taking Back Control? | Wolfgang Streeck | Partial, Done |
Lucky Jim | Kingsley Amis | Done |
Classics of American Literature | D.H. Lawrence | Done |
What Does Israel Fear From Palestine? | Raja Shehadeh | Done |
The Daemon Knows | Harold Bloom | Partial, Done |
Say It Well | Terry Szuplat | Done |
The Practice of Adaptive Leadership | Ronald Heifetz, etc | Done |
Modernism as a Philosophical Problem | Robert Pippin | Done |
The Politics of Being | Richard Wolin | Partial, Done |
Leaves of Grass | Walt Whitman | Done |
Democracy in America | Alexis de Tocqueville | Done |
Autumn 2024 | Liberties Journal | Done |
American Nietzsche | Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen | Done |
War | Bob Woodward | Done |
Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World | René Girard | Partial, Done |
The Seduction of Unreason | Richard Wolin | Done |
Leadership Without Easy Answers | Ronald Heifetz | Done |
All Desire is a Desire for Being | René Girard | Partial, Done |
Wherever You Go, There You Are | Jon Kabat-Zinn | Done |
Violence and the Sacred | René Girard | Done |
The Systems Bible | John Gall | Done |
The Once and Future Liberal | Mark Lilla | Done |
The Reckless Mind | Mark Lilla | Done |
The Shipwrecked Mind | Mark Lilla | Done |
Influence | Robert Cialdini | Partial, Done |
Building Microservices | Sam Newman | Partial, Done |
The Cynic Philosophers: From Diogenes to Julian | ed. Robert Dobbin | Partial, Done |
A Short History of Decay | E. M. Cioran | Done |
The Conservative Revolution in the Weimar Republic | Roger Woods | Done, Partial |
Cosmic Connections | Charles Taylor | Done, Partial |
When the Clock Broke | John Ganz | Done |
Turn the Ship Around! | L. David Marquet | Done |
Sacrifice and Modern Thought | ed. Julia Meszaros, Johannes Zachhuber | Done, Partial |
On Being a Pagan | Alain de Benoist | Done |
The Sacred Conspiracy | Georges Bataille | Done |
The Metaphysics of German Idealism | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Pathmarks | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Identity and Difference | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Scaling People | Claire Hughes Johnson | Done |
The Heidegger Controversy | ed. Richard Wolin | Done |
Parmenides | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Four Seminars | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Poetry, Language, Thought | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Early Greek Thinking | Martin Heidegger | Done |
Martin Heidegger's Changing Destinies | Guillaume Payen | Done |
Heraclitus | Martin Heidegger | Done |
The Art and Thought of Heraclitus | Charles H. Kahn | Done |
Basic Writings | Martin Heidegger | Done |
American Philosophy: A Love Story | John Kaag | Done |
Heraclitus Seminar | Martin Heidegger, Eugen Fink | Done |
A History of Philosophy in America 1720-2000 | Brucke Kuklick | Done |
Primed to Perform | Lindsay McGregor, Neel Doshi | Done |
Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ | Friedrich Nietzsche | Done |
Thus Spake Zarathustra | Friedrich Nietzsche | Done |
The Elements of Style | Strunk and White | Done |
On Writing Well | William Zinser | Done |
A Philosophy of Walking | Frédéric Gros | Done |
Traumatic Neuroses of War | Abram Kardiner | Done |
The Culmination | Robert Pippin | Done |
Being and Time | Martin Heidegger | Done |
A Hitch in Time | Christopher Hitchens | Done |
The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger | Charles B. Guignon (Editor) | Done |
Parapraxis Mag, Vol. 2 | Hannah Zeavin, Alex Colston (Editors) | Done |
Essays and Reviews, 1959-2002 | Bernard Williams | Done |
Proustian Uncertanties | Saul Friedlander | Done |